Shaping minds and hearts as young as 6 weeks

Infant Program from 6 Weeks:

Making children feel secure and loved begins in the infant program, and so does learning. At LOVE AND GRACE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, we know every moment with an infant is precious. Our caring and supportive teachers talk, read, and sing to babies and give them lots of cuddle time. Babies develop vocabulary skills through sight-word recognition and social-emotional development by interacting with other classmates. In addition, babies develop physical skills as they learn to move and manipulate toys. Activities are designed to address the individual needs and abilities of each child.

For each of our programs, we are focused on helping your child meet the following milestones:

  • Social and emotional development
  • Language development and communication
  • Cognitive development
  • Physical development and Motor Skills

Each new skill builds a child’s physical competence and ability to do things independently.

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Hours of operation are from 6:30 A.M to 6:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. Children enrolled full time are entitled to attend school for a maximum of five days per week, up to 12 hours per day, except for major holidays.

Choose the institution that molds the body, mind, and spirit. Choose LOVE AND GRACE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY.

For more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. If you are ready to enroll your child in our programs, just click here.